Mesothelioma Help

A place where mesothelioma victims can go to discover medical resources and the latest breaking news related to mesothelioma. The purpose of this blog is not to provide legal advice but rather to provide information to mesothelioma victims and their families concerning the latest mesothelioma infomation . If you need legal help concerning mesothelioma you can contact me at or visit our website at Thank You

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Location: Red Bank, NJ

I have dedicated my law practice for the last 25 years to the wrongfully injured and their families. The purpose of this blog is not to provide legal advice. If you need legal help you can contact me at or visit our website at Thank You

Friday, December 02, 2005 Finds Proposed Asbestos Bill is Taking Away Veterans' Rights

Please provide any information you think may be helpful to mesothelioma victimd and their families(PRWEB) November 29, 2005 -- has come out in strong opposition of the opposed Asbestos bill it was announced today. After a thorough review of the proposed ammendment, along with extensive interviews with Veterens of war, found the bill to be unfair, inequitable, and unconstitutional. In addition to being unfair to victims of asbestos disease, the Asbestos Bill is similarly bad for veterans. Thousands of veterans across this country do not support this bill. Veterans, like all Americans, have always had the right to go to court to hold accountable the companies that knowingly poisoned them. Historically, they have been able to receive court-approved compensation to cope with the devastating health and financial consequences of asbestos-related diseases. Now, asbestos companies, their insurers and some Senators want to take that right away with a bill that shortchanges asbestos victims and rewards companies that poisoned them. The asbestos bill terminates the legal rights of all current and future asbestos victims and forces them into an untested national trust fund bureaucracy that would be under-funded by at least $40 billion. The bill would delay financial relief to veterans and other asbestos victims by up to nine years - time many dying asbestos victims just don't have.Under the proposed bill, many veterans with asbestos-related diseases will not qualify for any compensation at all. Very few veterans are likely to meet the five and ten year cumulative exposure requirements under the bill because they will not have been in the service long enough to qualify.The bill bails out the very asbestos and insurance companies that knowingly exposed veterans to asbestos.


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