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Friday, March 10, 2006

Workers' disease meeting

A DEDICATED group of campaigners is fighting for the rights of victims of mesothelioma, better known as asbestos disease.
There are around 1,800 cases of the illness reported in Britain each year. This number is growing and will not peak for several years, because the disease develops at least 10 years after exposure to asbestos and sometimes as long as 40 or even 50 years after exposure.
The Cheshire Asbestos Victims Support group, based in Runcorn, has been supporting victims of asbestos disease and their families since 1992.
The not-for-profit support organisation is staffed by volunteers, most of whom are victims of asbestos disease themselves.
The group owns a respite care caravan in Rhyl, North Wales, where sufferers and their families are able to have respite holidays at the group's five star caravan bought in 1999 with charitable donations.
Group member Doreen Dellaway said: 'We need to create an awareness of this disease and to campaign for adequate research and treatment for those who have and will be unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with mesothelioma.'
Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer characterised by pain, weight loss and night sweats. Most victims die within 18 months of being diagnosed.
The disease responds poorly to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
The only known cause of mesothelioma is unprotected exposure to asbestos fibres, in approximately 95% of cases.
Compensation in mesothelioma cases very often depends upon tracing the relevant employer or their insurers.
The most common exposure to asbestos is in the workplace. In January of this year, Runcorn man Clifford Thornhill was diagnosed with disease.
Mr Thornhill's mesothelioma has been caused by exposure to asbestos at work with the Manchester Ship Canal Company, based at their Old Quay yard in Runcorn off Mersey Road.
He worked as a fitter's labourer for the company between 1962 and 1985. Mr Thornhill said: 'More should be done to let people know how dangerous asbestos is.
'As part of my job I had to strip asbestos lagging off pipework in the engine rooms on the old steamer tug boats on the canal.
'It was a dirty job and the asbestos dust and debris got all over the place as I worked.
'I had no idea asbestos was dangerous - no-one warned us we were putting our health at risk.
On Monday, the British Lung Foundation organised several events around the country to raise awareness about the disease as part of Action Mesothelioma Day.
The Cheshire Support Group held a meeting at Runcorn Town Hall.
Speakers included the mayor of Halton, Peter Lloyd-Jones, Dr John Williams, consultant physician, and Elaine Sergeant, specialist lung cancer nurse, both from Halton Hospital, and Diana Fos from Thompsons solicitors.
Family and friends of sufferers of mesothelioma also gave their accounts of coping with the killer disease.
For more information about the Cheshire Asbestos Victims Support Group, ring 01928 576641 or e-mail


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