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I have dedicated my law practice for the last 25 years to the wrongfully injured and their families. The purpose of this blog is not to provide legal advice. If you need legal help you can contact me at or visit our website at Thank You

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Blood Test May Detect Mesothelioma Early

Blood Test May Detect Mesothelioma Early: "Search

Blood Test May Detect Mesothelioma Early
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October 18, 2005
Blood Test May Detect Mesothelioma Early
Researchers at the NYU School of Medicine and Wayne State University have discovered a molecule that can show pleural mesothelioma at its early stages. Pleural mesolthlioma is a cancer that affects the chest, and is caused by exposure to asbestos. The findings lead to the possibility of a blood test that can detect the disease early. This is great news considering an established screening method is currently unavailable. Those exposed to mesothelioma may soon have means for screening.
The study published in the Oct. 13 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, found a protein called osteopontin, to be elevated in pleural mesothelioma patients.
For more information on the sudy, please visit the NYU School of Medicine. "


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