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I have dedicated my law practice for the last 25 years to the wrongfully injured and their families. The purpose of this blog is not to provide legal advice. If you need legal help you can contact me at or visit our website at Thank You

Monday, December 05, 2005

WA support for Hardie compo deal

The Asbestos Diseases Society in Western Australia has welcomed James Hardie's decision to sign a multi-billion dollar compensation agreement for the victims of asbestos-related diseases.
The package is expected to cost James Hardie more than $4 billion over the next 40 years.
The society's Robert Vojakovic says about 45,000 people are expected to develop asbestos-related diseases in the next 10 years.
He says many of those will be in WA.
"Usually our portion is about 17 per cent, so it will be ... up to 7,000 people which will develop disease and out of that would be most likely due to James Hardie products," he said.
Mr Vojakovic, who has been lobbying for decades for such an agreement, says there is still more work to be done.
"I still want to achieve medical research, I would like to find a cure for asbestos diseases - I always thought that saving life is more important than the money you know and we just haven't been successful so far," he said.
Mesothelioma sufferer Johanna Ball, whose sister died of the disease three months ago, says the deal is welcome.
"Money is irrelevant when I'm not going to see my grand kids grow up but by the same token you know every time you go to a doctor it costs you big dollars and so you look at it that way, the relief for the family that they're not putting money ...[in] all the time, that's probably one bonus," she said.
"There must be a lot more people around that are in a worse situation than myself - I'm fortunate I've got a husband and we've got a fairly good living but there are a lot of people that are really battling and I think for them it's probably the best thing that's ever happened."


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