Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient�s Guide Is an Extraordinary New Book Written by Mesothelioma Survivor, Paul Kraus
Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient’s Guide Is an Extraordinary New Book Written by Mesothelioma Survivor, Paul Kraus
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Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient’s Guide is an extraordinary new book written by Paul Kraus that describes how he was diagnosed with a terminal cancer called mesothelioma, given a few months to live, and has survived for eight years with a good quality of life using only unconventional therapies.
(PRWEB) October 31, 2005 -- Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient’s Guide is a new book published by Cancer Monthly and written by Paul Kraus. Mr. Kraus survived a deadly cancer called mesothelioma by turning to natural remedies. What is remarkable is not only that Mr. Kraus is alive and well eight years after he was sent home with a few months to live, but that he achieved this after rejecting conventional cancer treatments (surgery and chemotherapy). Instead, he created his own protocol with the help of holistic physicians, a protocol that focused on radical lifestyle changes and provided survival and a good quality of life.
“Dr. Andrew Weil wrote that any illness can be conquered through radical lifestyle change because our bodies are made with powerful self-healing capacities,” explained Mr. Kraus. “It was hard to make such radical changes, but I was determined to see them through. I realized that to do otherwise meant that my chances of surviving were greatly diminished,” the author stated. The lifestyle changes Mr. Kraus made included reforming his diet, taking oral and intravenous supplements, using experimental therapies, and focusing on mind-body healing.
The book is valuable to all cancers patients, not just those with mesothelioma because the lessons apply to all types of cancer. These lessons include: how to cope with the initial diagnosis, nutrition and diet, selecting conventional and complimentary therapies, and the role of the mind in health and healing. “Paul Kraus’ book has all the information a cancer patient needs to have in order to learn what survival behavior is about. He has lived the experience, is a native in cancer land and can guide you through the territory,” said Bernie Siegel, M.D. author of Love, Medicine & Miracles and Help Me To Heal.